Thursday, July 15, 2010

7/15/2010: Cazzie Wazzie

Since I haven’t yet brought this up in the blog, figured today was an appropriate time to do it, since it has been on my mind all day long.

On June 9th, 2010, Ryan and I lost our closest “couple” friend, but individually, we’ve lost a lot more. To Ryan, he was his best friend, his brother, the guy he went to war and back with, someone who was just like him in many ways and understood him and so many other things.

For me, he was that person you could trust and rely on. Also, someone you wanted to make sure, that no matter the hour of the night, you were going to be there for him as well. He was the comedian, the one I could rely on when Ryan and I were in two separate states. He was that guy friend that you are protective of and you do not want to see any girl hurt him. He was going to be “Uncle Cazzie” to our kids.

He was many things for many people. This is why it’s such a loss. His helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan while he was on a rescue mission. He died a hero, but we all miss him terribly.

Today I have been thinking about him constantly. Just thinking about how this has changed and affected so many people’s lives. I know, at least for a few, we will take this heartbreak and learn from it. Hopefully we will become better people from this experience.

Everyone misses you like crazy, Cazzie.

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